How many times have you stepped onto the first tee fully expecting to shoot a great round, even your best score ever? How many times did that actually happen? For some reason you just did not have your best day, or far worse than you expected. If you are like most golfers, you get done with the round and your head is spinning with thoughts of how this happened and you generally feel like a failure. You have just defined yourself by your outcome and your self-esteem goes down the drain.
If you are an athlete (and golfers are athletes), you must find a way to deal with setbacks and not allow them to define who you are.
The first step is to understand that there is a difference between your real self and your performer self, and know that there must be a separation between what you do and who you are. Your value does not increase because of ability. Do not allow yourself to think that you are a good person when you shoot 68 and a bad person when you shoot 88!
Next, we must take steps to develop your real self as a separate identity from your performer self and refine the qualities of appreciation, acceptance and value.
New discoveries in the field of neuroscience reveal that you can actually use memories of past success and how you interpret those memories to build your self-confidence and sense of self-worth to enhance your golf experiences. How you use the memories could be the single most important factor in how you use the most advanced mental techniques in the game today to play golf at your peak performance. Scientists are revealing that although you cannot change the results of a past event, you can change your interpretation and feelings about those results by removing the negative emotions attached to them. If you change the interpretation you can change the memory!!
For more information on how to change your thinking patterns and increase your golf performance, schedule your Mind Factor Coaching Session at 706.836.4330.